40ozMaltLiquor.com v4.0
Thinking of redoing the website. Version 4.0. 1.0 was "Bruz's 40oz Malt Liquor Paradise" (see the URL of this forum for remnants of that connection) 2.0 was the old school & longest version of...
View ArticleMiller High Life coming back to GLASS 40oz and 32oz bottles!!
Shout out to Marrs & mikeinjersey for making me aware! https://www.facebook.com/millerhighlife/photos/a.490602555407.380871.345575410407/10156421547385408/?type=1&theater This is a start!!...
View ArticleTales of Destruction
I don't think a thread exists quite like this.There's threads about your recent hard-drinking sessions (eye of a needle)There's threads about exactly what we're drinking at the time,But not a thread...
View ArticleSamurai Beatbox 40oz malt liquor? By Tow Yard Brewing Co (ATTN hyghstrung -...
So I was searching posts about malt liquor on Reddit yesterday. One was from a dude looking for a source to get 40oz bottles to bottle his malt liquor brand in. I hooked him up with some info which...
View ArticleDeluxe Malt Liquor by Silver City Brewery (22oz, on 3/3/16)
Located in Bremerton, WA. This at all close to you, sourstomach? http://brewdad.com/2016/02/25/twentieth-anniversary-of-silver-city-brewery-deluxe-malt-liquor/...
View ArticleCanada's got a new Carling Black Label 40oz label!
Do they have other Carling Black Label brands in 1.18L size these days in Canada, or just this one?
View ArticleLaughing Clown Malt Liquor 32oz by Odd Side Ales
Coming soon!Do some Talladega Nights. Anyone in or near Grand Haven, MI?!
View ArticleBilly Dee returns as the Colt 45 spokesman
View ArticleChinese Red Bull 40
Got this off eBay thanks to a tip from Marrs Originally listed at $200 the seller came down to $150 (free shipping). A huge chunk of change, especially considering the condition, but this may have...
View ArticleSupport Malt Liquor merch - now available!
https://teespring.com/supportmaltliquorT-shirts, tank tops, hoodies & stickers.This is for anyone who supports malt liquor, not just those in the SML Facebook group - that's why FB is not...
View ArticleHoisting a 40 with Malt Liquor's Rabid Online Fandom
http://nymag.com/betamale/2016/05/malt-liquor-fan-online-youtube.html Shoutouts to everything from the "taming alcoholic dirtbag behavior" thread to the BDU
View ArticleNew Bud Light 40oz Label
Posted on the SRAB Facebook group. Gotta say, this looks pretty cool. Feels weird to be somewhat excited to get a Bud Light 40.
View Article40 Ounce Water
http://shop.ouncewater.com/40-ounce-water-case/ I impulsively ordered a case of this, but I obviously don't need that many. Paid $37 total for 12 bottles ($27 + $10 shipping). $37/12 = $3.08 per...
View ArticleJack Abby's Framingham Lager 40oz
View ArticleJuicy J Colt 45 coming in Fall!
http://mybeerbuzz.blogspot.com/2016/05/rapper-juicy-j-to-appear-on-colt-45-cans.html Article only confirms 16oz & 32oz cans, but I really hope 40s are included too!
View Article40oz Muscadet wine
Dulesplace tipped me off. By Verity Wines (@veritywines on Instagram) Available at a wine store owned by his buddy (@brooklynwinot on IG) 1 block from Duke's store (@parkdelibk). I may make a trip up...
View ArticleMalt Liquor in Houston
Newbie to the forums and new to Houston. Was wondering if anyone knew of any good spots in Houston to get 40's? Been to a dozen gas stations and all I seem to be able to find is Shlitz OML, 211, OE,...
View ArticleFML 40oz by B-52 Brewing Co.
They only made 40 of them for their Independence Day celebration and they soldout within 45 minutes. Apparently they used Schlitz 40s. I may be getting an empty in exchange for some website swag
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